Africa is a continent rich in history, culture, and diversity. Its people have their unique traditions, beliefs, and practices that have been passed down from generation to generation. However, over time, some of these customs have been lost, and the African identity has been eroded. One of the primary reasons for this is the belief that traditional healers and ancestors are demonic and have evil spirits.

It is not uncommon to find Africans who denounce their traditional practices and beliefs and instead adopt Western ideologies. This shift has been driven by a belief that traditional practices are primitive, backward, and associated with evil spirits. Such thinking is not only misguided but also detrimental to the preservation of African culture and identity.

Traditional healers have been a fundamental part of African society for centuries. They are highly respected individuals who play an essential role in healing and guiding their communities. However, with the advent of modern medicine, traditional healers have been relegated to the fringes of society. This relegation has been fueled by the misconception that traditional healers use evil spirits to heal their patients.

The belief that ancestors are demonic is also prevalent in many African societies. Ancestors are believed to be the link between the living and the dead. They are revered and respected, and their guidance is sought in various aspects of life. However, the belief that ancestors are demonic has led many Africans to abandon this practice.
The loss of traditional practices and beliefs has resulted in a loss of identity for many Africans. The rich cultural heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation is slowly disappearing. As Africans adopt Western ideologies and practices, they are losing touch with their roots and their sense of identity.

It is essential to understand that traditional healers and ancestors are not demonic. They are an integral part of African culture and play an essential role in maintaining the balance of life. It is time for Africans to reclaim their identity by embracing their traditional practices and beliefs. By doing so, they will not only preserve their cultural heritage but also strengthen their sense of identity and pride.

In conclusion, Africans have lost their identity when they started believing that their ancestors are demons and traditional healers have evil spirits. This misguided belief has led to the abandonment of traditional practices and beliefs, resulting in a loss of culture and identity. It is time for Africans to embrace their traditions and beliefs, and in doing so, they will preserve their cultural heritage and strengthen their sense of identity.